
As mentioned earlier, courses are made up of one or many sections. Sections are small training modules that can be assessed individually. Sections can be imported from other courses.

To view the sections, click the Sections tab on the course page.

You will notice a section has been added already. You can add another section by clicking the Add Section button or import an existing section by clicking the Import section button. Click on the section's name to see the details.

You can change the section name, add a internal or external code, define if the section has an expiry period. It is good practice to add a description to explain to the user what the section is about.

Training material is added at the section level. There are 4 types of material that can be added:

  • Videos
  • Pages
  • Documents

SCORM Packages

A SCORM package is a specially formatted zip file. To add a SCORM package, click the SCORM tab and then click Add SCORM package button.

Click the Browse button and locate the SCORM zip file, then click SAVE.

Note: By doing this a locked assessment will automatically be added to the assessments area.


Videos must be formatted in mp4 format using .h264 encoding with aac audio so the system can track completion. To add a video, click the Videos tab, and click Add videos Type a name for the video and give it a description. Click the Browse button, locate the mp4 file, then click SAVE.


Pages is where you can create your own training content using a simple text editor.

You can add multiple pages and write your own content. To do this, click on the Pages tab and then click the Add Page button. Give the page a name and add your content (this can include images, tables etc) and when done, click the SAVE button. Continue this process to add additional pages.


Training documents or websites can be added for the user to read. These documents can be any format and typically consist of pdf, pptx or docs.

Add Web Site

To add a web site, click the Documents tab, and then click the Add document button.

Select Link to web page.

Give the link a name and select the type of information from the Document type drop down.

If the website should be reviewed periodically, enter an expiry date.

If you with to restrict the viewing of the web page to assessors only, change the Assessor only toggle to yes.

Type or paste in the url of the website.

Add Document

To upload a document, click the Documents tab, and then click the Add document button.

Select Upload a document.

Give the document a name and select the type of information from the Document type drop down.

If the document should be reviewed periodically, enter an expiry date.

If you with to restrict the viewing of the the document to assessors only, change the Assessor only toggle to yes.

Click Browse and locate the document then click the Start upload button. Once the document is uploaded, click Save.