
The users area shows all the users in the system. You can edit user by clicking on the name.

Add User

To add a new user, click the Add user button. Fill in the information as required.

The only fields that are mandatory are:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Username
  • Password
  • Confirm password.

You the user name is automatically fill in once you have filled in the first name and surname fields.

You can either generate a random password by clicking the (Generate random password) link or type in your own.

Basic Details

Once a user has been saved you can add basic details such as:

  • Address
  • Phone numbers
  • Emergency contact details.

You will also have assess to additional tabs across the top of the screen where you add additional information and permissions.

Employment Details

Click the Employment details tab to define the role of the user within the company.

If the user is a contractor you can choose the contracting company from the Contractor employer drop down.

Select if the user is a full time employee, contractor, visitor, etc from the Employee Type drop down.

Add an Employee number and date started in the fields provided.

Click the Supervisor toggle, if the user is a supervisor.

Once done, click Save.

Add a Business Unit by clicking the green button, select the business unit from the list and click the green button again.

Follow the same process to add a Department, Position, Crew and Shift.

You can also add additional positions to a user if required, a good example of this would be if they are in the emergency response team.

Note that you can add multiple business units, departments and positions to the one user.


The courses tab displays the courses that are assigned to the user depending on their Business Unit, Department and/or Position.

You can assign additional courses to the user. Start typing the course name in the text field, a list of matching courses will appear. Click the course name to add it to the users list.


The security tab allows an administrator to change the user's login name and set the user's permission level role in the system.

Click View login history to see when the user has last logged into the system.

You have the ability to change a users password. Click the Reset button, and type a password.

To add or remove permissions, click the yes/no toggle button.

Note: Be careful what role you give to a user, a good idea is to only give a user what they need. If the user is a trainer or assessor, only give them that role.

User Documents

User documents are used to store external qualifications, evidence or information about the user.

Adding a document is the same process as in the rest of the system and is explained in the Add Documents section.

To add a document click the Add document button.